thepubliclifeoftheOct 2611 min readThe time(s) to thinkHow much time did you have to sit and think today? The time we have for this is malleable. It is shaped by others, by ourselves and even...
Ciaran CumminsSep 26 min readWander, wonder, sonderYou couldn’t miss it. Plastered on the bus stop glass calling on the new Prime Minister to save a local school.
thepubliclifeoftheApr 147 min readThe Push and Pull of ReflectionWith each chapter I write of my book, I find myself gravitating towards a particular idea that helps me grapple with answering the...
thepubliclifeoftheFeb 78 min read(Some) Ways of SeeingThe book I am writing is making me look at all manner of things. When you set yourself the task of answering a question as broad as,...
Ciaran CumminsDec 22, 20237 min readThe present conditionalWho, in society, gets the opportunity to reflect, and why?